Welcome to ArchwayMaths
This is the home of the Archway Learning Trust’s Mathematics curriculum, lesson and assessment resources.
The intention of our ALT Mathematics curriculum is to:
cultivate excellence by expecting that everyone can learn and enjoy Mathematics. Our curriculum design is research informed and ensures a coherent and detailed sequence of powerful knowledge to support sustained progress over time. Our ambitious curriculum shines a light on the connectedness of mathematical ideas and is based on an understanding of the underlying structures that develop and deepen mathematical thinking for all learners.
promote inclusion by fostering a love of knowledge; building resilient, curious and confident mathematicians that understand that by working hard at mathematics they will succeed. We aim to develop young mathematicians that recognise the importance of mathematics both in their own lives and to society; that are prepared for the next stage of their lives with access to further study and careers.
develop collaboration by developing mathematical learning behaviours such that pupils focus and engage fully as learners who reason, solve problems and make connections. Our common curriculum enables teachers across all eight of our secondary schools to work together to continually improve the mathematical experience and outcomes for all the pupils we serve. Working together, transforming lives.
An overview of our curriculum can be found here:
Details about how our Maths lessons look across our trust can be found here:
A link to a selection of Maths websites we use can be found here:
Maths teaching websites we love
For any further information please contact
Louise Elder
Senior Trust Director