Hello Maths
I hope you all had a great holiday and a good first week back.
A few deadlines are coming up over the next couple of weeks. Please can you make sure that all data is in Go 4 Schools by the dates below. Thank you to those of you who have put theirs in so far. I hope you found the marking reasonable. Thank you to those who pointed out errors in my mark schemes. I think they have all been changed now ready for next year. Thank you also to Paul Dean at Aspley who has kindly offered to proof read future mark schemes.
Year 7 Prior knowledge audit – Friday 11th November
Years 7 – 10 test results – Friday 11th November
Year 11 mock results and QLA – Friday 18th November
Mock Exams
This is a very important exam for us in trying to determine predicted grades for the new GCSE, and to identify areas of weakness.
Please read the mark schemes carefully before you start your marking, familiarising yourselves with the codes in the glossary. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you are unsure. Joel, Louise and Nick will distribute the mark schemes for you next week, but they are available at All About Maths if you want to read ahead (you will need to register for a password if you don’t already have one).
There will be a very short QLA for you to fill in on Go 4 Schools. For this first mock we will only be targeting 8 key questions from Higher and 8 key questions from Foundation. These will be taken from papers 1 and 2 only. These will be the questions that we think all students should be able to answer, and the subsequent intervention will focus in depth on these topics over the next six weeks.
It was nice to see everyone from Aspley and Wollaton sites at the CPL on Thursday. Thank you to Louise for hosting us all.
The Powerpoint and documents are below.
Video: Moving from Grid to a Column Method
Ofsted document: Good Practice in Primary Schools
I have also added the blank lattice templates to Year 7 lesson 2 as requested.
Geek fact of the week
Do you know what raising a number to a power of 4 is called?
Apparently 24 can be read as “two zenzizenic”, So 16 is the zenzizenic of 2.
This was coined by Robert Recorde (of the equals sign fame) as zenzizenzike in his 1557 mathematics book The Whetstone of Witte.
Unfortuantely the word is now obsolete, which is a shame, because I was looking forward to talking about the eighth power of a number as the zenzizenzizenzic, and the sixteenth power which is… you guessed it: zenzizenzizenzizenic.
Anyway, thought I’d share in case any of your year 8’s ask what the word is while they learn about indices this week. Thank you to Nick Wilson for introducing us to this great word!