Tuesday 13th December

A big thank you to Krissie for her first contribution to our Primary bulletin, especially at this very busy time – even busier than usual for this time of year as our Primary colleagues are moving into their new building for the start of the new term. It’s all very exciting. I can’t wait to come and visit! ~ Matilde

I’ve been collecting pictures and information from staff about what their children have been up to in Maths over the past few weeks:


In EYFS, the theme this half-term has been Traditional Tales. The children have been carrying out measuring and practising writing by making recipes for Goldilocks and measuring how much their beanstalks have grown each day. They also began matching numbers to quantity by giving Cinderella the right amount of jewels on her slipper. It has been so much fun the children barely realised they were learning!


Year 1

Over the past few weeks Year 1 have been focusing on the numbers to 20. We began by writing them in numerals and in words, and then using the language of ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ to compare them. We moved on to adding numbers within 20, applying what we had learnt to solve Christmas-themed problems. Over the few weeks we used lots of practical resources, as encouraged by the Singapore Maths style, to help us visualise the numbers.

Year 2

In Year 2 the children have had a few weeks working on their subtraction skills. They have been using practical resources to support a variety of methods helping them subtract one- and two-digit numbers within 100. I can’t believe how far they have already come since Year 1, keep it up Year 2!

Year 3

In Year 3 they have been focusing on number and place value. The children have been counting, comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000, as well as adding and subtracting three-digit numbers using a range of strategies. These included bar modelling, number lines and the column method. The bar model is new to the Year 3s but they are getting their heads round it quicker than some of us grown-ups!



Moving forward we will choose a theme each month so we can focus on different areas of practice across the school.

Have a lovely Christmas break,
