Hi Maths
Welcome back everyone! I hope you’ve all had a good first week back.
Just a few notices for today:
Year 7 Autumn 2 test scores
Please can these be put into Go 4 Schools by Monday 23rd January.
Remember that you only record the number of triangles coloured in and the ‘grade’ will be automatically calculated (instructions here if you need a refresh). Please do not communicate this number with students or parents – it is only used for our progress calculations.
Any of questions 1 – 7 that are not marked with a full box should be ticked on Go 4 Schools. These areas should be covered by some catch up, whether it be with the class teacher or by the year 7 intervention programme at the individual schools.
I have decided not to have an end of term written assessment for Spring 1 for year 7. The half term is very short, and so the test might not be as useful as it could. We also have year 8 tests at the end of this half term and the year 11 mock exams at a similar time, so not having a written assessment may help with workload pressures at that time.
As an alternative, those of you at ALC and WPC will hear about an alternative type of assessment in your Teach Meets on Wednesday morning as part of the literacy/oracy strategy. You will have time in your BBL session the week after to work on this and we will trial this instead of having the written assessment. We will also use whatever has been planned at BBA.
Year 10 (ALC and WPC) test scores
Please can these results be put into the column for Assessment 2 by the same date – 23rd January. Thank you.
Common INSET day on 30th January
I am delighted that we will all have the opportunity to be together on 30th January. We will have a lot to work through, but I know it will be a very productive day. Lunch will not be provided, so Louise from Wollaton has suggested that we have a fuddle, which I thought was great idea. More details closer to the time.
Have a great weekend.