A big thank you for all of your contributions at this half term’s MAT pedagogy session. What a luxury it is to have the time to be able to work with colleagues from across our trust and share our experience and best practice. Thank you also to the SCITT team for allowing us to host the session there and use their facilities.

Whilst we knew that ratio and proportion would be assessed more in the new GCSE it was interesting to see the emphasis on relating ratios to fractions and to linear functions in the November 2017 examination. From the session it became clear that our expectations of how students should best answer these questions does vary considerably. More work needs to be done with our KS4 students, in particular, to enable them to be more successful with this concept and lessons are already being developed at BAA and BWA to enable this. Additionally the focus for next half terms CPD sessions at Emmanuel also includes the teaching and learning of ratio. I look forward to sharing all of this work with you at our future MAT pedagogy sessions.

Have a look at our favourite approaches which are attached below:

Ratio and Proportion Solutions

If you have yet to register for e-AQA or AllAboutMaths please do so using the links here:



Thank you too for all of your warm wishes regarding my recent appointment to Assistant Principal with responsibility for Mathematics across the trust. I am very excited by the opportunity to work with you all to improve the teaching and learning and attainment of Mathematics across our trust.

Our next MAT Pedagogy session is due to take place on 22nd March at Bluecoat Beechdale Academy at 3:45pm.

Kind Regards
