
Hi all

Happy Friday!

Year 8 Common Assessment

The feedback from last years common assessment consistently included the need for a more accessible version for a small selection of our SEN cohort so we are going to trial a tiered common assessment for this assessment window. I will be preparing a very accessible version of the Year 8 Autumn 1 Common Assessment over the next week so please don’t print out the Y8 common assessment yet. A number of students scored less than 5 marks on last years common assessment which will have been very demoralising. Heads of Maths will help identify students that may benefit from the more accessible common assessment.

NEW Further Maths GCSE (8365)

At our subject leaders meeting on Wednesday afternoon we had a quick look at the specimen papers from AQA.

They can be found here: Further Maths Spec Papers

At first glance they don’t look particularly any more challenging which I am a bit disappointed by but we will have to see. I have emailed AQA to ask if they have plans to release any more assessment materials so will let you know when I hear back.

MathsHub CPL

If you are interested in embedding technology in Level 3 Mathematics this year take a look at this collaborative project with East Midlands West MathsHub (George Spencer).

Embedding Tech in Level 3 Maths

Year 11 Revision Resources

This week I have been teaching my Y11 Higher/Foundation class about calculating an original cost after a percentage change. These lessons can be found here:  Percentages

Hope you all have a restful weekend
